Sustainability is a core focus across Computershare, and we have worked actively towards managing and reducing our long-term impact on the environment for many years.

We also continue to develop a range of services that assist our clients in achieving their own sustainability objectives.
Sustainable Development Goals

We’ve disclosed our environmental impact data and practices through the not-for-profit organisation CDP every year since 2010. In 2025, we attained a CDP Climate Change rating of “B” and a CDP Supplier Engagement rating of “B-.” CDP also provided us a "Forest" rating of "C" (which means we are showing awareness) in our first year of disclosure in this area, which scores our commitment to business practices that reduce global deforestation. Our current CDP scorecard can be accessed here.

In 2023, Computershare also signed-up to the UN Global Compact.


Our Net Zero journey and plan

We’re aiming to attain Net Zero status, as defined by SBTi (Science-Based Targets initiative), by 2042.

Computershare has established a Net Zero Steering Committee and specific working groups focused on our hot-spot areas (which generate the most carbon emissions). We have also created a five-year decarbonisation plan to address these hot-spot areas and further support our Net Zero program.

Hot-spot areas of Computershare’s first five-year decarbonisation plan and carbon emissions reduction targets:

  • document-icon (SVG)

    Paper use and logistics in our Communication Services business

    19% reduction target

  • shopping-cart-icon


    18% reduction target

  • support-icon (SVG)

    Capital goods

    50% reduction target

  • vehicle-icon

    Business travel, employee commuting and remote working

    17% reduction target

Our carbon footprint

Computershare engages an external adviser to support the annual calculation of our carbon footprint, which incorporates any required adjustments to previously reported years or base years due to acquisition(s)/divestiture(s), data improvement(s), or identified data error(s), resulting in >5% change to our total carbon footprint and is therefore above our material acceptance threshold (in line with the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) protocol).

We first calculated our global carbon footprint (for the 2020 calendar year) with our external adviser in 2021, and published the results in our Annual Report.

We also achieved our first major emission reduction in 2021 by purchasing Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs), reducing our Scope 2 emissions by 100% across all global locations. We now purchase RECs annually to cover 100% of our purchased non-renewable electricity and continues to identify opportunities to install renewable energy solutions across our global office portfolio.

Investing in “beyond value chain” mitigation

Since 2020, we have invested annually in mitigation beyond our value chain by supporting socially responsible forest protection projects with appropriate due diligence and assurance controls in place. These projects are regularly monitored by our external partner to ensure they meet the applicable Verified Carbon Standard and the Climate, Community & Biodiversity Standards - Gold standard.

Want to know more?

Our annual ESG Report includes further information on our efforts to do the right thing by our people and communities.

Learn more in our annual ESG report