​How to create a secure password
  • U​se a combination of alphanumeric characters and symbols (upper- and lowercase letters, numbers and special characters), and passwords at least eight characters long.

  • Keep your login credentials safeguarded and do not share these with anyone.

  • Use a trusted password manager. A password manager application supports centralized secure storage of passwords and helps manage using unique passwords across each site (especially important for banking or other sensitive sites!). You can find free or paid options to choose from online.

  • Don’t use personal information in your passwords (your name, birthdate, account IDs, Social Security Number, pet’s name, or the information of a close relative) – they are easy for fraudsters to guess. And if you look back, you’ll be able to see that you’ve often given out this kind of information freely on social media for anyone to find!

  • Never keep your PIN or password together with bank cards or ID.

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